Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Race in Coaching

The BCA (Black Coaches and Administrators) recently issued a statement citing their disappointment in the number of African-American coaches being hired (however, they are satisfied with the number being interviewed). Prior to sharing my opinion, I would just like to say that I am 100% for equal opportunity in all aspects of life, and I am a strict believer of rules such as the Rooney Rule. However, having said that, am I the only one who thinks that there should be no quota for the amount of African-American coaches hired? Of course no Athletic Director or Owner/General Manager should reject someones candidacy based on their race, but, at the same time, it is not racist for an A.D. or G.M. to hire a white candidate over an African-American candidate if he feels that the white candidate is best suited for the job. "Hiring the best candidate possible" should be the only criteria in the hiring process as long as the NFL Owner's adhere to the Rooney Rule, and A.D.'s interview African-American candidates. If they do, it is my opinion that no one should take issue.  

This is all written under the naive assumption that there is no racism among NFL Owners and College Athletic Directors, and that the best person is always being hired for the job. In no way am I saying that white candidates are better suited for coaching jobs, and in no way am I disagreeing with the belief that there should be more African-American coaches. I am only saying that race, in no sense, should be the determining factor in the hiring of a coach. The best candidate should always be hired.

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